Autotrader: Save the Cars
Every year, cars go without drivers. It's really sad. But people can make a difference by saving cars on Autotrader.
The campaign resulted in the highest-ever mobile traffic for the brand with 677k mobile sessions and 2.5 million page views. More importantly, 40% more vehicles were saved on Autotrader from the previous year—a step in the right direction for cars in need.
Some fun facts about this campaign: It was shot on a 25k budget with a four-person crew slinking around a car dealership while the main Autotrader shoot was going on. It also includes my dumbest (and therefore favorite-est) line of copy ever: “Save a car on Autotrader today, because saving a car on Autotrader is more than just saving a car. It’s saving a car. On Autotrader.”
1-800 NUMBER
For the die hard car savers, we set up a 1-800 line where consumers could listen to success stories that changed people's lives.
The work started a dialogue over the importance of saving cars. Thanks Tony and Andrew.